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Bars (byte arrays)

Macro for creating ASCII bar literals.

# b {hello}    == b#hello
# b {} == b#{}
# b {123} == b#123

Macro for creating hexadecimal bar literals.

# x deadbeef    == x#deadbeef
# x 00 == x#00
# x {} == b#{}


(padBar p)
> p : Pad a
> Bar a

Converts a pad to a bar, adding zeroes to make it into whole bytes if necessary.

padBar p#11111111     == x#ff
padBar p#111111111 == x#ff01
padBar p#1 == x#01


Checks if a value is a bar (byte array).

isBar b#hello       == 1
isBar x#deadbeef == 1
isBar 42 == 0


Returns an empty bar.

emptyBar               == b#{}
barLen emptyBar == 0
barIsEmpty emptyBar == 1


Checks if a bar is empty.

barIsEmpty b#{}    == 1
barIsEmpty b#a == 0
barIsEmpty x#00 == 0


Returns the number of bytes needed to represent a natural number.

byteWidth 0      == 0
byteWidth 255 == 1
byteWidth 256 == 2


Returns the number of trailing zero bytes in a bar's internal representation.

barTrail 0x1ff        == 0
barTrail 0x100ff == 1
barTrail 0x10000ff == 2


Encodes a natural number into a bar representation.

barEnc 0 0      == 1
barEnc 0 1 == 257
barEnc 0 255 == 511


Decodes a bar representation back into a natural number.

barDec 1      == 0
barDec 257 == 1
barDec 511 == 255


Creates a bar from a natural number and a trailing zero count.

mkBar 0 0      == b#{}
mkBar 0 1 == x#01
mkBar 1 255 == x#ff00


Creates a bar from a natural number.

natBar 0      == b#{}
natBar 1 == x#01
natBar 255 == x#ff


Converts a bar to its natural number representation.

barNat b#{}    == 0
barNat x#01 == 1
barNat x#ff == 255


Returns the length of a bar in bytes.

barLen b#{}          == 0
barLen b#hello == 5
barLen x#deadbeef == 4


Returns the byte at a given index in a bar.

barIdx 0 b#hello    == %h
barIdx 1 b#hello == %e
barIdx 4 b#hello == %o


Creates a bar of a specific size from a natural number.

natToSizedBar 4 0x11223344    == x#44332211
natToSizedBar 2 0x1122 == x#2211
natToSizedBar 4 0x11 == x#11000000


Creates a bar containing a single byte.

barSing %a     == b#a
barSing 0 == x#00
barSing 255 == x#ff


Creates a bar containing two bytes.

barDuo %a %b      == b#ab
barDuo 0 1 == x#0001
barDuo 255 254 == x#fffe


Returns the number of trailing zero bytes in a row.

zEnd [1 2 3 0 0]    == 2
zEnd [0 0 0] == 3
zEnd [1 2 3] == 0


Removes trailing zero bytes from a row.

stripZEnd [1 2 3 0 0]    == [1 2 3]
stripZEnd [0 0 0] == []
stripZEnd [1 2 3] == [1 2 3]


Converts a number to an 8-bit value (0-255).

w8 255    == 255
w8 256 == 0
w8 257 == 1


Creates a bar from a row of bytes.

bytesBar [104 101 108 108 111]    == b#hello
bytesBar [0 255 1] == x#00ff01
bytesBar [] == b#{}


Generates a bar by applying a function to each index.

barGen 3 (mul 2)    == x#000204
barGen 4 id == x#00010203
barGen 0 id == b#{}


Creates a bar by repeating a byte value.

barRep 3 %a    == b#aaa
barRep 2 0 == x#0000
barRep 0 %x == b#{}


Gets the byte at a specific index in a bar.

barGet b#hello 0       == %h
barGet b#hello 4 == %o
barGet x#deadbeef 2 == 190 ; [222 173 190 239]


Converts a bar to a row of bytes.

barBytes b#hello       == [%h %e %l %l %o]
barBytes x#deadbeef == [222 173 190 239]
barBytes b#{} == []


Left-associative fold over a bar.

barFoldl add 0 b#abc       == 294
barFoldl add 1 b#{} == 1
barFoldl mul 1 x#010203 == 6


Right-associative fold over a bar.

barFoldr add 0 b#abc                    == 294
barFoldr (_ acc & inc acc) 0 b#hello == 5
barFoldr mul 1 x#010203 == 6


Checks if any byte in the bar satisfies a predicate.

barAny (eql %a) b#hello        == 0
barAny (eql %h) b#hello == 1
barAny (gte 200) x#deadbeef == 1


Checks if all bytes in the bar satisfy a predicate.

barAll (gte %a) b#hello        == 0
barAll (eql %a) b#aaaaa == 1
barAll (lte 200) x#deadbeef == 0


Concatenates two bars.

barWeld b#hello b#world    == b#helloworld
barWeld x#dead x#beef == x#deadbeef
barWeld b#{} b#abc == b#abc


Concatenates a row of bars.

barCat [b#hello b#world b#{!}]    == b#{helloworld!}
barCat [x#de x#ad x#be x#ef] == x#deadbeef
barCat [b#{} b#a b#{} b#b] == b#ab


Concatenates a list of bars.

barCatList (CONS b#hello (CONS b#world NIL))    == b#helloworld
barCatList (CONS x#dead (CONS x#beef NIL)) == x#deadbeef
barCatList NIL == b#{}


Maps a function over a bar and concatenates the results.

barCatMap (x & barRep 2 x) b#abc          == b#aabbcc
barCatMap (x & barFromRow [x x]) b#123 == b#112233
barCatMap (const b#{-}) b#abc == b#{---}


Intersperses a separator bar between the elements of a row of bars.

barIntercalate b#_ [b#a b#b b#c]         == b#a_b_c
barIntercalate x#00 [x#11 x#22 x#33] == x#110022003300
barIntercalate b#{} [b#hello b#world] == b#helloworld


Intersperses a separator bar between the elements of a list of bars.

barIntercalateList b#_ ~[b#a b#b b#c]                              == b#a_b_c
barIntercalateList x#00 (CONS x#11 (CONS x#22 (CONS x#33 NIL))) == x#110022003300
barIntercalateList b#{} (CONS b#hello (CONS b#world NIL)) == b#helloworld


Creates a bar from a hexadecimal string.

barFromHex {deadbeef}      == x#deadbeef
barFromHex {68656C6C6F} == b#hello
barFromHex {} == b#{}


Returns the internal pad representation of a bar.

barPad b#a           == p#10000110
barPad x#deadbeef == p#01111011101101010111110111110111
barPad b#{} == p#{}


Takes the first n bytes from a bar.

barTake 3 b#hello    == b#hel
barTake 5 b#hi == b#hi
barTake 0 b#world == b#{}


Drops the first n bytes from a bar.

barDrop 3 b#hello    == b#lo
barDrop 5 b#hi == b#{}
barDrop 0 b#world == b#world


Takes a slice of a bar from a starting index with a given length.

barSlice 1 3 b#hello       == b#ell
barSlice 0 2 x#deadbeef == x#dead
barSlice 4 1 b#hello == b#o


Converts a slice of a bar to a natural number.

barSliceToNat 0 4 x#deadbeef    == 0xdeadbeef
barSliceToNat 1 2 x#deadbeef == 0xadbe
barSliceToNat 3 1 b#hello == 0x6f


Converts a tree-like structure of bars to a flat list of bars.

barTreeToList b#hello                      == [b#hello 0]
barTreeToList [b#a b#b b#c] == [b#a [b#b [b#c 0]]]
barTreeToList (0 [[b#foo] b#bar b#baz]) == [b#foo [b#bar [b#baz 0]]]


Flattens a tree-like structure of bars into a single bar.

barFlat b#hello                      == b#hello
barFlat [b#a b#b b#c] == b#abc
barFlat (0 [[b#foo] b#bar b#baz]) == b#foobarbaz


Checks if a bar contains a specific byte.

barHas %h b#hello         == 1
barHas %x b#hello == 0
barHas 0xde x#deadbeef == 1


Converts a bar to a row of bytes (alias for barBytes).

barToRow b#hello       == [%h %e %l %l %o] ; [104 101 108 108 111]
barToRow x#deadbeef == [222 173 190 239]
barToRow b#{} == []


Converts a bar to a row of bytes (alias for barBytes).

rowFromBar b#hello       == [%h %e %l %l %o]
rowFromBar x#deadbeef == [222 173 190 239]
rowFromBar b#{} == []


Converts a bar to a list of bytes.

barToList b#abc      == [%a [%b [%c 0]]]
barToList x#1234 == [18 [52 0]] ; [0x12 [0x34 0]]
barToList b#{} == 0


Creates a bar from a row of bytes.

barFromRow [104 101 108 108 111]    == b#hello
barFromRow [0xde 0xad 0xbe 0xef] == x#deadbeef
barFromRow [] == b#{}


Creates a bar from a list of bytes.

barFromList [%a [%b [%c 0]]]    == b#abc
barFromList [0x12 [0x34 0]] == x#1234
barFromList 0 == b#{}


Creates a bar from a reversed list of bytes.

barFromListRev [%c [%b [%a 0]]]    == b#abc
barFromListRev [0x34 [0x12 0]] == x#1234
barFromListRev 0 == b#{}


Creates a bar from a row of bytes (alias for barFromRow).

rowToBar [104 101 108 108 111]    == b#hello
rowToBar [0xde 0xad 0xbe 0xef] == x#deadbeef
rowToBar [] == b#{}


Applies a function to each byte in a bar.

barMap (add 1) b#abc        == b#bcd
barMap (mul 2) x#0102 == x#0204
barMap (const 0) b#hello == x#0000000000


Keeps only the bytes in a bar that satisfy a predicate.

barFilter (neq %l) b#hello         == b#heo
barFilter (gte 0xc0) x#deadbeef == x#adbe
barFilter (const 1) b#abc == b#abc


Finds the index of the first byte satisfying a predicate.

barFindIndex (eql %l) b#hello         == (0 2) ; SOME 2
barFindIndex (gte 0xc0) x#deadbeef == (0 1) ; SOME 1
barFindIndex (const 0) b#abc == 0 ; NONE


Finds the index of the first byte satisfying a predicate, starting from an offset.

barFindIndexOff (eql %l) 1 b#hello         == 2
barFindIndexOff (gte 0xc0) 1 x#deadbeef == 1
barFindIndexOff (const 0) 0 b#abc == 3


Finds the index of the first occurrence of a byte.

barElemIndex %l b#hello         == (0 2) ; SOME 2
barElemIndex 0xde x#deadbeef == (0 0) ; SOME 0
barElemIndex %x b#abc == 0 ; NONE


Finds the index of the first occurrence of a byte, starting from an offset.

barElemIndexOff %l 1 b#hello         == 2
barElemIndexOff 0xde 1 x#deadbeef == 4
barElemIndexOff %x 0 b#abc == 3


Finds the index of the last occurrence of a byte.

barElemIndexEnd %l b#hello         == (0 3) ; SOME 3
barElemIndexEnd 0xef x#deadbeef == (0 3) ; SOME 3
barElemIndexEnd %x b#abc == (0 0) ; NONE


Splits a bar at a given index.

barSplitAt 2 b#hello       == [b#he b#llo]
barSplitAt 4 x#deadbeef == [x#deadbeef b#{}]
barSplitAt 1 b#abc == [b#a b#bc]


Splits a bar at the first occurrence of a byte.

barSplitOne %l b#hello         == [b#he b#lo]
barSplitOne 0xad x#deadbeef == [x#de x#beef]
barSplitOne %x b#abc == [b#abc b#{}]


Splits a bar at the first occurrence of a byte satisfying a predicate.

barSplitOneWith (eql %l) b#hello         == [b#he b#lo]
barSplitOneWith (gte 0xc0) x#deadbeef == [x#de x#beef]
barSplitOneWith (const 0) b#abc == [b#abc b#{}]


Splits a bar at all occurrences of bytes satisfying a predicate.

barSplitWith (eql %l) b#hello         == [b#he [b#{} [b#o 0]]]
barSplitWith (gte 0xc0) x#deadbeef == [x#de [b#{} [x#ef 0]]]
barSplitWith (const 0) b#abc == [b#abc 0]


Splits a bar at all occurrences of a specific byte.

barSplit %l b#hello         == [b#he [b#{} [b#o 0]]]
barSplit 0xad x#deadbeef == [x#de [x#beef 0]]
barSplit %x b#abc == [b#abc 0]


Counts the number of leading bytes until a predicate fails.

barCountHeadMatching (eql %h) b#hello         == (0 1) ; SOME 1
barCountHeadMatching (neq 0xbe) x#deadbeef == (0 2) ; SOME 2
barCountHeadMatching (neq %d) b#abc == 0 ; NONE


Drops leading bytes from a bar while they satisfy a predicate.

barDropWhile (eql %h) b#hello         == b#ello
barDropWhile (lte 0xbe) x#deadbeef == x#adbeef
barDropWhile (const 0) b#abc == b#abc


Takes leading bytes from a bar while they satisfy a predicate.

barTakeWhile (eql %h) b#hello         == b#h
barTakeWhile (lte 0xbe) x#deadbeef == x#de
barTakeWhile (const 1) b#abc == b#abc


A bar containing the hexadecimal digits (0-9, a-f).

hexAlphabet              == b#0123456789abcdef
barLen hexAlphabet == 16
barIdx 10 hexAlphabet == %a


Converts a number (0-15) to its hexadecimal character representation.

hexChar 0     == 48
hexChar 9 == 57
hexChar 15 == %f


Converts a byte to its two-character hexadecimal representation.

byteToHex 0      == b#00
byteToHex 255 == b#ff
byteToHex 171 == b#ab


Converts a bar to its hexadecimal string representation.

barToHex b#hello       == b#68656c6c6f
barToHex x#deadbeef == b#deadbeef
barToHex b#{} == b#{}


Parses a bar literal from a Rex expression.

readBarLit '(b#hello) v2 id       == b#hello
readBarLit '(x#deadbeef) v2 id == x#deadbeef
readBarLit '(b#{}) v2 id == b#{}


Converts a bar to its Rex literal representation.

showBarLit b#hello       == b#{hello}
showBarLit x#deadbeef == x#{deadbeef}
showBarLit b#{} == b#{}


Parses a bar containing an ascii string as a hexadecimal number, passing the corresponding Nat to a continuation function or returning a fallback value.

getHexBar b#ff 0 natBar       == x#ff ; note the difference between b# and x#
getHexBar b#deadbeef 0 dec == 0xdeadbeef
getHexBar b#xyz 42 id == 42


Parses a decimal number from a bar.

barLoadDecimal b#123           == 123
barLoadDecimal b#0 == 0
barLoadDecimal b#9876543210 == 9876543210


Converts a natural number to its decimal string representation as a bar.

barShowDecimal 123           == b#123
barShowDecimal 0 == b#0
barShowDecimal 9876543210 == b#9876543210


Checks if a bar is a prefix of another bar at a given offset.

barIsPrefixOf b#he b#hello 0    == 1
barIsPrefixOf b#el b#hello 1 == 1
barIsPrefixOf b#lo b#hello 1 == 0


Finds all occurrences of a substring in a bar.

barSubstringSearch b#l b#hello    == [2 [3 0]]
barSubstringSearch b#o b#hello == [4 0]
barSubstringSearch b#x b#hello == 0


A bar containing a single space character.

barSpace             == b#{ }
barLen barSpace == 1
barIdx 0 barSpace == 32